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Accesses's repository of the latest FP expert consensus rankings - updated on a weekly basis.


load_ff_rankings(type = c("draft", "week", "all"))



one of "draft" (preseason), "week" (this week, inseason), or "all" (full archive)


a dataframe of expert consensus rankings

See also for the web data dictionary for the source of data

Issues with this data should be filed here:


# \donttest{
try({ # prevents cran errors
#> ── nflverse FP expert rankings ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2024-07-26 13:30:07 UTC
#> # A tibble: 5,560 × 25
#>    fp_page   page_type ecr_type player id    pos   team    ecr    sd  best worst
#>    <chr>     <chr>     <chr>    <chr>  <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Balti… 8020  DST   BAL    2.25  2.17     1     6
#>  2 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Dalla… 8080  DST   DAL    2.25  1.09     1     4
#>  3 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       New Y… 8210  DST   NYJ    3     1        2     4
#>  4 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       San F… 8270  DST   SF     4.5   1.66     3     7
#>  5 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Cleve… 8070  DST   CLE    6     4.12     3    13
#>  6 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Pitts… 8240  DST   PIT    6.75  0.43     6     7
#>  7 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Buffa… 8030  DST   BUF    7.25  1.3      6     9
#>  8 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Kansa… 8150  DST   KC     7.75  1.79     5    10
#>  9 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       New O… 8190  DST   NO    10.2   1.64     9    13
#> 10 /nfl/ran… best-dst  bp       Chica… 8050  DST   CHI   10.5   1.8      8    13
#> # ℹ 5,550 more rows
#> # ℹ 14 more variables: sportsdata_id <chr>, player_filename <chr>,
#> #   yahoo_id <chr>, cbs_id <chr>, player_owned_avg <dbl>,
#> #   player_owned_espn <dbl>, player_owned_yahoo <dbl>, player_image_url <chr>,
#> #   player_square_image_url <chr>, rank_delta <dbl>, bye <dbl>,
#> #   mergename <chr>, scrape_date <date>, tm <chr>
# }