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Loads player level season stats provided by Pro Football Reference starting with the 2018 season, primarily to augment existing nflverse data.


  seasons = most_recent_season(),
  stat_type = c("pass", "rush", "rec", "def"),
  summary_level = c("week", "season"),
  file_type = getOption("nflreadr.prefer", default = "rds")



a numeric vector specifying what seasons to return, if TRUE returns all available data


one of "pass", "rush", "rec", "def"


one of "week" (default) or "season" - some data is only available at the season level


One of c("rds", "qs", "csv", "parquet"). Can also be set globally with options(nflreadr.prefer)


A tibble of player statistics provided by Pro Football Reference that supplements data in nflverse


# \donttest{
try({ # prevents cran errors
#> ── nflverse advanced pass weekly stats via PFR ─────────────────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2024-02-15 07:12:58 UTC
#> # A tibble: 700 × 24
#>    game_id     pfr_game_id season  week game_type team  opponent pfr_player_name
#>    <chr>       <chr>        <int> <int> <chr>     <chr> <chr>    <chr>          
#>  1 2023_01_DE… 202309070k…   2023     1 REG       KC    DET      Patrick Mahomes
#>  2 2023_01_DE… 202309070k…   2023     1 REG       DET   KC       Jared Goff     
#>  3 2023_01_CA… 202309100a…   2023     1 REG       ATL   CAR      Desmond Ridder 
#>  4 2023_01_CA… 202309100a…   2023     1 REG       CAR   ATL      Bryce Young    
#>  5 2023_01_HO… 202309100r…   2023     1 REG       BAL   HOU      Lamar Jackson  
#>  6 2023_01_HO… 202309100r…   2023     1 REG       HOU   BAL      C.J. Stroud    
#>  7 2023_01_CI… 202309100c…   2023     1 REG       CLE   CIN      Deshaun Watson 
#>  8 2023_01_CI… 202309100c…   2023     1 REG       CIN   CLE      Joe Burrow     
#>  9 2023_01_CI… 202309100c…   2023     1 REG       CIN   CLE      Jake Browning  
#> 10 2023_01_JA… 202309100c…   2023     1 REG       IND   JAX      Anthony Richar…
#> # ℹ 690 more rows
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: pfr_player_id <chr>, passing_drops <dbl>,
#> #   passing_drop_pct <dbl>, receiving_drop <dbl>, receiving_drop_pct <dbl>,
#> #   passing_bad_throws <dbl>, passing_bad_throw_pct <dbl>, times_sacked <dbl>,
#> #   times_blitzed <dbl>, times_hurried <dbl>, times_hit <dbl>,
#> #   times_pressured <dbl>, times_pressured_pct <dbl>, def_times_blitzed <dbl>,
#> #   def_times_hurried <dbl>, def_times_hitqb <dbl>
# }