This returns a table of historical trades as maintained by Lee Sharpe.
See also for a web version of the dictionary
for the data dictionary as bundled within the package
Issues with this data should be filed here:
# \donttest{
#> ── nflverse trades (via PFR / Lee Sharpe) ──────────────────────────────────────
#> ℹ Data updated: 2024-11-29 16:47:53 UTC
#> # A tibble: 211 × 11
#> trade_id season trade_date gave received pick_season pick_round pick_number
#> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1465 2020 2020-03-03 DEN JAX 2020 4 137
#> 2 1465 2020 2020-03-03 JAX DEN NA NA NA
#> 3 1466 2020 2020-03-04 CAR LAC NA NA NA
#> 4 1466 2020 2020-03-04 LAC CAR NA NA NA
#> 5 1471 2020 2020-03-15 BAL JAX 2020 5 157
#> 6 1471 2020 2020-03-15 JAX BAL NA NA NA
#> 7 1467 2020 2020-03-16 IND SF 2020 1 13
#> 8 1467 2020 2020-03-16 SF IND NA NA NA
#> 9 1468 2020 2020-03-16 BUF MIN 2020 1 22
#> 10 1468 2020 2020-03-16 BUF MIN 2020 5 155
#> # ℹ 201 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: conditional <dbl>, pfr_id <chr>, pfr_name <chr>
# }