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This functions lists all nflverse data releases that are available in the nflverse-data repo. Release names can be used for downloads in nflverse_download().


nflverse_releases(.token = "default")



a GitHub API token, "default" uses gh::gh_token()


A dataframe containing release names, release descriptions, and other relevant release information.


# \donttest{

try( # avoids cran failures, can skip in normal usage
#> ── nflverse release listing ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  Data updated: 2024-11-29 16:48:02 UTC
#> # A tibble: 20 × 8
#>    release_name   release_description timestamp   rds parquet   csv csv_gz   zip
#>    <chr>          <chr>               <chr>     <int>   <int> <int>  <int> <int>
#>  1 snap_counts    "Snap counts data,… 2024-11-…    13      13    14      1     0
#>  2 player_stats   "Play by play data… 2024-11-…   370     370   370    370     0
#>  3 misc           "Various bits of d… 2024-11-…     7       1     6      0     0
#>  4 pbp            "Play by play data… 2024-11-…    26      26    26     26    23
#>  5 players_compo… "Component files f… 2024-11-…     2       2     2      2     0
#>  6 nextgen_stats  "NFL Next Gen Stat… 2024-11-…    30       3     0     30     0
#>  7 pfr_advstats   "PFR Adv Stats dat… 2024-11-…    60      32    32      8     0
#>  8 injuries       "Injuries data, ac… 2024-11-…    16      16    16      2     0
#>  9 rosters        "Roster data, acce… 2024-11-…   105     105   105      1     0
#> 10 weekly_rosters "Week-level roster… 2024-11-…    23      23    23      1     0
#> 11 depth_charts   "Depth chart data,… 2024-11-…    24      24    24      1     0
#> 12 officials      "Data about which … 2024-11-…     1       1     1      1     0
#> 13 ftn_charting   "Charting Data pro… 2024-11-…     3       3     3      0     0
#> 14 espn_data      "ESPN Stats"        2024-11-…     2       2     2      2     0
#> 15 players        "Player informatio… 2024-10-…     1       1     1      1     0
#> 16 contracts      "OverTheCap contra… 2024-10-…     2       1     0      1     0
#> 17 draft_picks    "Draft picks datin… 2024-09-…     1       1     1      1     0
#> 18 test           "for internal test… 2024-08-…     4       0     1      0     0
#> 19 combine        "NFL Combine Data … 2024-03-…     1       1     1      0     0
#> 20 pbp_participa… "Participation dat… 2024-02-…     8       8     8      0     0
# }