Loads player contracts from OverTheCap.com
load_contracts(file_type = getOption("nflreadr.prefer", default = "rds"))
See also
https://overthecap.com/contract-history for a web version of the data
https://nflreadr.nflverse.com/articles/dictionary_contracts.html for a web version of the dictionary
for the data dictionary as bundled within the package
Issues with this data should be filed here: https://github.com/nflverse/rotc
# \donttest{
try({ # prevents cran errors
#> ── nflverse Historical Contract Data from OverTheCap.com ───────────────────────
#> ℹ Data updated: 2024-10-23 07:21:43 UTC
#> # A tibble: 43,687 × 25
#> player position team is_active year_signed years value apy guaranteed
#> <chr> <chr> <chr> <lgl> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Joe Burrow QB Beng… TRUE 2023 5 275 55 219.
#> 2 Aaron Rodg… QB GB/N… FALSE 2022 5 151. 50.3 151.
#> 3 Josh Allen QB Bills TRUE 2021 6 258 43 150
#> 4 Russell Wi… QB Bron… FALSE 2022 5 245 49 165
#> 5 Dak Presco… QB Cowb… TRUE 2024 4 240 60 231
#> 6 Justin Her… QB Char… TRUE 2023 5 262. 52.5 194.
#> 7 Lamar Jack… QB Rave… TRUE 2023 5 260 52 185
#> 8 Patrick Ma… QB Chie… TRUE 2020 10 450 45 141
#> 9 Jalen Hurts QB Eagl… TRUE 2023 5 255 51 179.
#> 10 Kyler Murr… QB Card… TRUE 2022 5 230. 46.1 160
#> # ℹ 43,677 more rows
#> # ℹ 16 more variables: apy_cap_pct <dbl>, inflated_value <dbl>,
#> # inflated_apy <dbl>, inflated_guaranteed <dbl>, player_page <chr>,
#> # otc_id <int>, gsis_id <chr>, date_of_birth <chr>, height <chr>,
#> # weight <chr>, college <chr>, draft_year <int>, draft_round <int>,
#> # draft_overall <int>, draft_team <chr>, cols <list>
# }